100% family run business - All work fully guaranteed
C & J Upvc Maintenance is a fully established double glazing repair company carrying out repairs in and around the Nottingham and Derby area. We have been in business now for almost 19 years and in the industry for 37 years, providing a wide range of services for all your window and door repair requirements from minor adjustments to full door lock replacements.
C & J Upvc Maintenance are NOT an installation company.
We are a genuine double glazing repair company helping to save you money by repairing your existing upvc windows and doors.
Most replacement parts carried in stock for a faster service.
Multi-point locking systems, patio tracks and rollers, key locking cylinders (complete with 5 keys), window locks, door handles, window handles, door hinges, window hinges, letter boxes, rubber gaskets, double glazed unit replacements, adjustments, frame reseal, tilt and slide patio repairs, tilt and turn repairs, trickle vent installations
and much, much more...
Our work covers business and domestic customers in and throughout
Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire areas.